Great that you found your way to Gameheart Studios!
Although this site is just provisionally until the official website is ready to go online, I hope you are pleased with the actual layout.
What can I find on this site?
You will always find the latest news, pictures and more regarding upcoming titles and updates, so that you are always up to date.
If you have got any questions or need some help, just contact me through the support form and I will answer as quick as possible.
Of course there will be one or another "lottery" or contest with the possibility to win promo-codes for the latest games and maybe some other nice stuff.
Who is "Gameheart Studios"?
There is no big company behind this name, although the name may make you think that.
It is just me, one single person behind this project and I will do anything to, again and again, surprise you.
Which kind of games will come up?
Every kind of game is possible.
From "platformers" or action titles, over to family games.
All in all everything you could imagine.
So what is special about these games?
Especially games with creative new ideas and new game-elements will be coming.
Furthermore a lot of emphasis is put on "community games".
So games, that you can play locally with friends on your device, will be no rarity.
And now just enjoy playing!